Thursday, July 13, 2017

Cow’s metabolism is quite different from the animals. But, before I begin to elaborate this, notice that I called cow different from the 'animals';  well that's because a cow is not an animal! She is a holy mom to us humans. You may wonder, if she is a holy mom, she must have similar anatomy and physiology to us, humans. No! Are you dumb in the head? She is 'holy' mom. Okay, you may point out that she has similarities with other bovine species. You may even go so far as to claim that she must have 'evolved' from a common bovine ancestor. Seriously? WTF! That will be  a blatant lie. The truth is that she was intelligently designed and evolutionary similarities with other ‘animals’ are just purely coincidental. Or maybe she is a Goddess and she created other bovine animals in her image. Look, it's not important kay?

So now check this out, a cow is the only ‘animal’ (however she's not an animal but for the sake of argument) who can breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Wait! What? But how?

Glad you asked. Well, the cow has a specialized organelle in her cellular cytoplasm called matasomandianrian. Unlike the mitochondrial Kreb cycle, the by-product here at the end of the process is pure oxygen. COWTPs which unlike ATPs have infinite energy and infinite phosphates in the bonds. I would also like to point out that a cow can also do photosynthesis. Cow's cells have an organelle called COWvolue, which is hybrid of chloroplast and a vacuous. It can produce and store carbohydrate in it. But then the question is, can we kill a cow to get access to it? like we kill plants and eat them. MIND YOU! It's not for you! (why don't we kill you instead?) It's for the cow.
 This makes sense because after we chop down all the forests on the earth, cows would not only support themselves but provide oxygen to the environment too. Nice. 

At this point, You might be itching to know that how can we know all this? Can we see these special organelles in the cow with microscopes or determine these biochemical reactions? 
Yes, we can and cannot. Let me explain, first a simple question, can you see the gods? If you climb the Kailash mountain, can you see shiva there? Of course, you can't! But that does not mean he's not there! Duh!! There is no man on the earth in this yug who can see all this and these organelles or determine these reactions. It requires some serious faith. And you don't possess enough faith.

Thank you, this is the end of this lecture, next time we will see other aspects of the cow, like, how does Cow dung contain plutonium and how do her horns absorb radioactivity, but unlike the cow biology, I am not that well versed with the cow physics. I will try my best because I have high faith.
Thank you again. The cow science rules! High five. Take care, until next time.
 Now a short lecture on plutonium in the cow dung. What do we know about elements? They are produced in the nuclear furnace in the star. A star normally produces helium by fusing two hydrogen nuclei by nuclear fusion. Heavier elements are produced when a star is near the end of its lifespan. When a star starts producing iron, it's the beginning of its end. 
Brace yourself, don't get shocked or nothing, but it happens in the cow. The cow has the energy of billions of dying stars. It does not come from the food she eats, it rather comes from her horns. Cow’s horns absorb the cosmic energy, radioactivity and it accumulates inside her which powers the fusion reactions. However, on the outside, she just looks like any other 'animal'. Well if you are again stupid enough to consider a cow as an animal.

Ever heard of the dark matter which holds the galaxies together? The cow has Cowmatter, that holds a cow together. Otherwise, the supernova type of situation going inside the cow would have blown her apart! This cowmatter is so powerful that nothing escapes from the cow, except the cow dung which contains plutonium. And cow urine, which has specialized cancer cancer-killing cells. 
The government should invest heavily in such cow research. We can extract plutonium from cow dung thereby solving the energy crisis. In fact, cow dung can fuel all nuclear reactors around the world. Therefore, it needs to be stressed that wherever you are whoever you are, a cow is your mother. With that being said, one can only hope North Korea does not find out about plutonium in the cow dung, they will start making gobar bombs. But no matter, cows will protect us in global nuclear wars, they will detoxify the environment by absorbing fall out radiations with her horns.